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Lesson 3 - ser (to be)
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Pages in this lesson: Subject pronouns - ser - Dialogue - Reading - Quiz
This page: Learn the nationalities in Spanish.


Nationalities in Spanish

Reading Lesson


Note that names of countries are capitalized, but nationalities are not capitalized. If two words are listed for the nationalities, the first one is the masculine form and the second one is the feminine form. To make the nationalities plural, follow the rules you studied in the Plural Lesson. Click on the nationalities in the table below to hear the pronunciation and repeat.

Nationalities in Spanish
Country Nationality
► Alemania = Germany ► alemán | ► alemana = German
► Argentina = Argentina ► argentino | ► argentina = Argentinian
► Australia = Australia ► australiano | ► australiana = Australian
► España = Spain ► español | ► española = Spanish
► los Estados Unidos = United States ► estadounidense or more commonly known as . . .
► americano | ► americana = American
► Brasil = Brazil ► brasileño | ► brasileña = Brazilian
► Canadá = Canada ► canadiense = Canadian
► China = China ► chino | ► china = Chinese
► Egipto = Egypt ► egipcio | ► egipcia = Egyptian
► Francia = France ► francés | ► francesa = French
► la India = India ► indio | ► india = Indian
► Indonesia = Indonesia ► indonesio | ► indonesia = Indonesian
► Italia = Italy ► italiano | ► italiana = Italian
► Japón = Japan ► japonés | ► japonesa = Japanese
► México = Mexico ► mexicano | ► mexicana = Mexican
► Nigeria = Nigeria ► nigeriano | ► nigeriana = Nigerian
► el Reino Unido = United Kingdom ► británico | ► británica = British
► Rusia = Russia ► ruso | ► rusa = Russian
► Suiza = Switzerland ► suizo | ► suiza = Swiss
► Tailandia = Thailand ► tailandés | ► tailandesa = Thai


Section 1
Select the correct nationality for the country listed in Spanish.

 1. Japón       

 2. Alemania       

 3. los Estados Unidos      

 4. Canadá       

 5. México       

 6. España       

 7. el Reino Unido       

 8. Australia       

 9. Argentina       

10. Rusia       


Section 2
Translate the sentence. Don't forget to use correct capitalization, accents and punctuation, or the computer will mark it as incorrect.

  • Examples:
  • Lee is Chinese. → Lee es chino.
  • Juliette is French. → Juliette es francesa.
  • Max and I are Canadian. → Max y yo somos canadienses.

1. Jack is British.

2. Paula is Mexican.

3. The students are Japanese.
        (the students = los estudiantes)

4. Boris and I are Russian.

5. Carmen and Flora are Spanish.


Key Vocabulary

The following is a list of key vocabulary that you will need to know to understand the lesson. Click on the word to hear the pronunciation.

1. good       

2. but       

3. many       

4. friend       

5. different       

6. my       

7. country       



Mis amigos son de muchos países. Mario es italiano. Marie es francesa. Frida es alemana. Li es china. Mohamed es egipcio. Francisco y Luis son españoles. Somos de muchos países diferentes, pero somos buenos amigos.



Section 3
Correct the following sentences by changing them from affirmative to negative or from negative to affirmative based on the paragraph that you read above. Don't forget to use correct capitalization, accents and punctuation, or the computer will mark it as incorrect.

  • Examples:
  • Mario es francés. → Mario no es francés.
  • Mario no es italiano. → Mario es italiano.

1. Marie es china.

2. Frida no es alemana.

3. Li es canadiense.

4. Mohamed es suizo.

5. Francisco y Luis no son españoles.



What is your nationality? Also, describe the nationalities of people you know or famous people. To look up the names of nationalities not in the list above, visit www.spanishdict.com

  • Examples
  • Soy americana.
  • Lety es mexicana.

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  • Select and copy the character that you need → á é í ó ú ü ñ ¿ ¡ Á É Í Ó Ú Ü Ñ « »
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Lesson 3 - ser (to be)
Subject Pronouns - ser - Dialogue - Reading - Quiz




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