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Lesson 17 - La Ciudad (The City)


Language Focus: Places in a city

Classroom activities: Pictionary - Students pick one of the places in the city and draw a picture on the board to communicate non-verbally the place to their team. For example, if the place is the post office, they might draw an envelope.


Language Focus: Prepositions of location

Classroom activities: Have students draw a picture with ten objects in it (like the one in the picture below). The students take turns asking and answering where the objects are in their drawing. For example, one student could ask, "¿Dónde está la pelota?" The other will use the prepositions of location to describe where it is.



Language Focus: Giving directions

Classroom activities:
1) Treasure Hunt - The students hide a piece of candy somewhere in the classroom and then write a description of how to get to it. For example, "Empiezas en la puerta. Caminas dos pasos adelante y luego das vuelta a la derecha. etc."

2) Maps - Each student makes a map of an imaginary city on a piece of paper. They draw the roads and streets and then put rectangles which represent buildings. They will then write the names of the buildings on the rectangles (see sample below). They can even give their city a name. In pairs the students can practice giving and receiving directions with their maps. For example, one student could say, "Estoy en la biblioteca. ¿Cómo llego a la tienda?" The second student will give them directions.



Language Focus: Reading driving directions

Classroom activities: Write an email inviting a friend to a party at your house. Give the friend directions of how to get to your house.


Have the students review any portions of the lesson that they made mistakes in on the quiz.




Course   -   Words   -   Teachers

Pronouns   -   Pronunciation   -   Verbs

Vocabulary   -   Grammar