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Lesson 14 - Números Ordinales (Ordinal Numbers)


Language Focus: Ordinal numbers

Classroom activities:
1) Write the days of the week in Spanish on index cards (one day on each card). Have students work in groups to put the days in order ("El domingo es primero.").

2) Have the students get in groups of ten students (no more because they only learned up to "décimo"). Each student in the group writes their name on an index card and their birthday (month and day only). The students work together to try to determine which birthday is first in the year, second, etc.

3) Write the names of ten historical events on index cards (one event on each index card). The students try to put the events in order. If you have middle school or high school students, be sure these are events that they have studied in history class.


Language Focus: Verbs that are irregular in the yo form

Classroom activities: Have students write sentences about themselves in the present tense with each of the verbs that you learned on this page.

  • Examples:
  • Hago ejercicio.
  • Pongo mi libro en la mochila.


Language Focus: Practice with ordinal numbers and present tense

Classroom activities: Print the dialogue page and cut apart the lines of the dialogue and also separate them from the pictures. Have the students work in small groups to try to put them in order and match them with the correct picture.


Language Focus: Practice with ordinal numbers and present tense

Classroom activities:
1) Print out the reading. Cut apart each line of the reading. Have students work in small groups to try to put the activities in order.

2) Have students write some sentences about their typical day. What do they do first? What do they do second? etc. Tell them to use verbs that learned in lessons 11-14 (regular -ar verbs, regular -er verbs, regular -ir verbs and verbs that are irregular only in the yo form.)

  • Examples:
  • Primero desayuno cereal.
  • Segundo pongo mis libros en la mochila.


Have the students review any portions of the lesson that they made mistakes in on the quiz.




Course   -   Words   -   Teachers

Pronouns   -   Pronunciation   -   Verbs

Vocabulary   -   Grammar