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Lesson 10 - Descripción de Personas (Describing People)


Language Focus: Physical Descriptions

Classroom activities: First write a list of words that are off-limits to be sure that this activity stays positive (like fat and ugly). Have students write a description of a student in the class. The students take turns reading their descriptions aloud. The other students guess who is being described.


Language Focus: ser/estar/tener

Classroom activities: Have students write several sentences with each of the three verbs (ser, estar and tener).


Language Focus: Vocabulary for describing people and the verbs ser, estar and tener

Classroom activities: Practice reading the dialogue in pairs.


Language Focus: Vocabulary for describing people and the verbs ser, estar and tener

Classroom activities: Give each student two index cards. Have each student write a description of a man on one card and a woman on the other similar to the descriptions from the lesson. They should also write a name of the person on the top of the card (any name they like). The students work in small groups (of 4-6 students) to match the women and the men together into couples based on who they think would be compatible. They need to discuss why they think the two are compatible (eg. Él es extrovertido, y ella es extrovertida.)


Have the students review any portions of the lesson that they made mistakes in on the quiz.




Course   -   Words   -   Teachers

Pronouns   -   Pronunciation   -   Verbs

Vocabulary   -   Grammar